Our next traveling adventures starts at the beginning of September in France.
However, in this next 6 weeks that means major focus on quite a few things. A main one is French. My deal with the girls to be fluent by our trip (this deal was made mind you in October of 2017) has not been met. Therefore the girls have been reading, speaking, watching, sleeping and breathing French and will be for the next 5 weeks. Summer break?? I don’t think so. I feel like a broken record.
“French Hakim, French.” “Why are you going to the bathroom Norah? Get back on Rosetta!” The groans I’m getting when movies and cartoons are put in French…a decision to not even watch is evident in their faces. It had dawned on me in Punta Cana that a few basic lines in Spanish would have made for some more fun and appreciation. So as we will be hitting Italy, we will be adding some basic Italian to learn to our plates too. My girls are so lucky to get so much confusion in one months time, LOL.
Our next focus is our fitness level.
We got home in perfect time to join a beta group to shred some extra fat, so here we go. It’s only 30 days, although it happens to be the-height-of-summer-30-days.
For Hakim and myself it’s a new food and exercise plan along with a different way to incorporate the Herbalife supplements and for the girls it’s to get in their basic workout everyday. My deal with the girls is that if we can be really serious in these next 30 days here in Montreal, then we can indulge more and without guilt in Europe. Let’s see, ice cream from Maxi or fresh gelato from Florence? Boxed croissants from IGA or from a Paris bakery?? Not a hard choice. Of course that’s not to dismiss the amazing, authentic food we can find here–Montrealer’s are foodies and there is plenty of it in huge variety. Why just this week there was a macaroni and cheese festival.
We started our new food and exercise plan nearly the weekend we arrived home, so we’ll be posting some (hopefully) kick-ass before and after pics….We were so serious that we even threw money at a gym! Just joking, we paid for our membership and so far we have not given the gym free money. Change of atmosphere and pace, plus our gym is still in disarray from the basement construction. That so far has been the biggest adventure. In my mental quest to find adventure in travel but also in the most basic things here, the gym I think, qualifies. Walking into a gym, regardless of the verbal agreement and acknowledgement at the time of signing that bullying and intimidation were not tolerated, is still like walking into the high school cafeteria. Alone. Am I fitter than that person? Squeeze the butt. One more rep or they’ll think I suck. That person is definitely fitter than me. She must not have kids. Face on that shows I have serious things on my mind. I feel lonely and lost. My membership comes with access to a water massage bed though, so it is totally worth it to go. And a tanning machine. If I lose no extra fat, I will at least gain a tan. No, I am committed to the fat too.
In the meantime I will be madly working on our tax reports for our business for not only the quarter end but for the years end too. Ick. No better way to see how fast the years go. Our weigh in is on Monday, so stay tuned to some week 1 results on Instagram. And maybe even some cute kid conversations in French.